Friday, March 9, 2012

Things You Didn't Know About Ireland Part 2: Why Protestants Don't Wear Green

Recently a customer asked Jenean if we had a Claddagh ring with an orange stone. The customer explained that "Protestants don't wear green."

Baffled, Jenean looked into the history of orange in Ireland found a fascinating history of religion, politics and jewelry.

Things You Didn't Know About Ireland Part 2- Orange on the Emerald Isle

It all goes back to the Great Reformation in England when England converted from Catholicism to Protestantism. (if you don't know what I'm talking about rent the Showtime series "The Tudors" starring Jonathan Rhys Meyers. It's about 75% historically accurate and will give you the gist). Ireland had a long standing history of being Catholic after being converted by St. Patrick and wasn't too happy when Queen Elizabeth (again, for about 60% accuracy rent the biopic starring Cate Blanchett) forced them to convert to the new Church of England.

Order of the Orange procession in Ireland
The battle between the two denominations waged on and at one point King James, a Catholic, ruled the British Empire. He was defeated by William of Orange, a Protestant, who then converted everyone back to the Church of England.

Ireland eventually broke away from England and declared themselves officially Catholic. However, Northern Ireland remains a territory of England and thus remains Protestant. 

For Protestants in Ireland William of Orange's defeat over King James is seen as a turning point in their history. They proudly wear orange as a symbol of pride avoiding the color green altogether. 

Our beautiful Kit Heath jewelry can be appreciated by any Irishman (or Irishman at heart). Starting at $18 we have sterling silver rings, necklaces and of course, Claddagh jewelry.

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